Daily Archive for August 26th, 2005

The war on drugs descends on the innocent

Looks like the Utah National Guard had a bit of free time in their hands last weekend, so they decided to stomp, literally, on a few ravers gathered on an outdoor concert in the middle of nowhere between the Utah mountains.

Also see the party organizer’s statement and the video clips the stormtroopers didn’t manage to destroy at Music versus Guns. Particulary interesting is the interview on the security staff for the party.

Even more amazing, it looks like the raid was, at least partially, triggered because the local Sheriff assumed there would be illegal activities committed at the rave sometime later. That truly is incredible.

More links to articles about the raid:
Daily Kos

Update: The party organizers and the land owner are suing Utah County and The Sheriff. They’ve put up a site reporting on the progress of their case.