Monthly Archive for January, 2010

Murders at Guantanamo Bay

Harper’s Magazine writes about a cover-up of murders of three Guantanamo Bay prisoners June 9th 2006.

The article convincingly documents how interrogators transferred three prisoners from their prison cells to a “black site” outside of the regular prison compound and tortured and killed them. The commanding officers at Guantanamo Bay then covered up the murders as suicides.

After a whistleblower came forward the Department of Justice also participated in the cover-up.


TSA has a new logo

Security expert Bruce Schneier is soliciting ideas for a new TSA logo and motto. The contest is going really well so far.


I’m with Coco!

I’m with Coco!

Down with NBC!


I think I’m going to hurl

This week’s stats:

1 sick child
4 incidents of projectile vomit per day
3 hours of mopping vomit off the floors per day
6 loads of laundry per day
2 completely exhausted and stressed out parents

Please, for the love of God, Ava, get well, soon.

If anyone’s asking, I had the best vacation ever.