Tag Archive for 'Bush'

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Jenna and Barbara Bush – porn spammers?

A subscriber to SPAM-L, an anti-spam mailing list, reported receiving spam supposedly from the Bush daughters. Well, it’s really from the George W. Bush re-election campaign, but it’s signed in the Bush daughters’ names.

Here’re the relevant mail headers:

Received: from mailer1.georgewbush.com (mailer1.georgewbush.com
From: Jenna and Barbara Bush <bushcheney04.com>
Subject: Behind-the-Scenes with Jenna and Barbara

Behind the scenes with Jenna and Barbara? I take it that the Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign didn’t quite think this completely through. I wonder what that subject line looks like in between the other kinds of spam people receive. Let’s see, shall we:

Pertty Woman Dvd Quality Movies!
Big and horny sluts – Real Big Women
Please her everytime
Behind-the-Scenes with Jenna and Barbara
Young Celebrity sex pics

Which one of the bunch is the non-porn spam?


Bush makes no mistakes. Really?

The second presidential debate is over, and while I think Bush did a better job than in the first one, he still lost. He looked visibly angry most of the time, and was almost yelling his responses to the audience. Very unprofessional.

But the most amazing moment of the debate came with his response to the last question of the night. A member of the audience asked him to name three decisions he has made during his presidency that he, in hindsight, thinks were mistakes and how did he try to correct them.

Bush couldn’t name one, other than joking about making mistakes in appointing people. That is truly amazing. Instead he appeared to know the true motivation of the question, and jumped into defending his decision to go to war against Iraq. Seems like the question hit a sore spot to me.

Nevertheless his answer reminds me of something I said a few months back about interviewing job candidates, and let’s face it, Bush is interviewing for a job.

Having been interviewing job candidates for a position with my current company, for what feels like forever, questions about mistakes or challenging situations in the past, and what was learned from them, is one of the best questions to use to disqualify candidates.

We had one hero answer the question something along the lines of:

“I look at other people’s work, and I see a lot of faults. I’ve yet to see anything wrong with my work.”

He will not be hired. Pity the employer who does.

I pity the US, if Bush is hired.


First Election Debate – Summary on George Bush

I kick ass, vote for me, yiihaa!

That about sums up the message we heard from Mr. Bush tonight. He was defensive, ill prepared to counter John Kerry’s arguments and generally did not look comfortable unless quoting prepared statements from memory.


Bush Dictionary: Sovereign entity means…um…sovereign entity

Check the audio clip where George W. Bush is trying to explain what tribal sovereignity means at a convention of minority journalists. The audience actually starts laughing at him.

No wonder he no longer gives interviews to other than conservative or otherwise friendly interviewers.


The Haiku President

A couple of months ago I began to wonder why every speech of George W. Bush sounded so weird to me. Then it dawned on me: he speaks in haiku!

He splits every sentence into short bursts of 2 – 4 simple words followed by a pause. Just listen to him speak and you’ll notice it, too.

I can only speculate on the cause of such speech style, but if I suspect it’s because seven, plus or minus two rule is more like four, plus or minus two with him.

Joseph Price (M.D.) has a different explanation.

One thing I’m absolutely sure about. It’s not because of his appreciation of foreign cultures. He has none.