Tag Archive for 'domestic spying'

In Soviet Minneapolis, a thought crime lands you in jail

Reports are pouring in from the site of the 2008 Republican National Convention that protesters are being rounded up by local law enforcement raids prior to the convention. “Anarchists” are raided, handcuffed, jailed and then released without any charges being filed. If there are charges filed, they are for things like fire code violations. That, of course, is an age old Soviet tactic for shutting up dissent.

The targets of the arrests are calling the raids as blatant attempts to intimidate and stop them from protesting during the convention. This sort of crap belongs in Soviet Russia and has no place whatsoever in the US.

It’s interesting that this is exactly the same sort of stuff that landed the NYPD and New York City in hot water during the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City. A Supreme Court Judge fined New York City $1,000 per detainee back then. I guess the police in Minneapolis thinks they can get away with it this time.

It is also very interesting that stuff like this doesn’t seem to happen during the Democratic National Conventions. What is it about the Republicans that cause everyone involved ignore things like The Constitution? Oh, wait…never mind.


  1. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/30/us/politics/30arrests.html
  2. http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/08/30/police_raids/index.html
  3. http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/08/31/raids/index.html
  4. http://www.startribune.com/local/27703754.html

Oh Bushy, you make mocking you so easy sometimes

Quoting our Supreme Leader, Uniter of 49%, Chief Political Commissar of The Party:

Now the question is, should these lawsuits be allowed to proceed, or should any company that may have helped save American lives be thanked for performing a patriotic service; should those who stepped forward to say we’re going to help defend America have to go to the courthouse to defend themselves, or should the Congress and the President say thank you for doing your patriotic duty? I believe we ought to say thank you.

Yes. We should thank companies breaking the law. Are you fucking kidding me!?

As another blog said about this. Get out of office already, will you? Please. I’ll pay you…in illegal counterfeit money.

How did this dumbass ever get into Yale AND Harvard never mind graduating from both places?


The Billboard Liberation Front brings more truth in advertising

The Billboard Liberation Front today announced a major new advertising improvement campaign executed on behalf of clients AT&T and the National Security Agency. Focusing on billboards in the San Francisco area, this improvement action is designed to promote and celebrate the innovative collaboration of these two global communications giants.

Yes, an improvement, I say.

Can you hear us now? Oh, that was another company.


The US President violated the US Constitution

A Federal Judge has ruled the NSA warrantless wiretapping unconstitutional and snapped President Bush on the fingers by stating:

The president of the United States … has undisputedly violated the Fourth in failing to procure judicial orders.

Not even Emperor Bush is above the law.


Is there fire under the smoke? Usually there is.

The US Department of Justice has threatened to sue the State of Maine, if the Public Utilities Commission there proceeds with an investigation on whether Verizon broke the law and handed over customer records to the US Government.

Ask yourself why would the US DOJ bother doing that, if there wasn’t anything to the allegations that the phone companies have been feeding the US Government customer data for years?


AT&T’s illegal Internet traffic wiretapping details are public

Wired has published the evidence against AT&T in the class action lawsuit filed by EFF.

The evidence suggests AT&T has installed cable splitters on its backbone optic fibre cables to “copy” Internet traffic.

The evidence shows that not only are splitters in place on AT&T’s own network, but even more seriously on the backbone that routes traffic from/to AT&T’s peering partners. AT&T is illegally tapping its competitors network traffic effectively allowing whoever is in the receiving end of that data to wiretap all US Internet traffic.

Ingenius AT&T.

Let’s see…accomplish in illegal wiretapping, violating peering contracts, violating their own customers’ privacy, violating the privacy of AT&T’s competitors’.

If I had a peering contract with AT&T, I’d be on the phone with AT&T right about now informing AT&T that all peering agreements with AT&T are void as of 5 minutes ago. I’d cut all peer connections to AT&T (after arranging alternative ones) and then I’d sue AT&T for damages.

The individual court documents are available at:


EFF sues AT&T for illegal wiretapping

EFF has filed a class action lawsuit against AT&T claiming AT&T has been secretly, and illegally, giving NSA access to all of AT&T’s cellphone calls data and all Internet traffic flowing through its networks.

Of note about this is that the Internet traffic flowing through AT&T’s networks is not necessarily sent from or to AT&T, as AT&T operates one of the backbone networks that route traffic from provider to provider. Essentially this means that the NSA has been illegally wiretapping, with AT&T’s active participation, a large percentage of all Internet traffic in the United States.

Update: Here’s some information about exactly what the NSA is listening. Great stuff.


In Soviet New York the police spies on your political activities

The New York Times reports undercover NYPD police officers have been quietly “observing” activist group gatherings in New York City for a few years.

NYPD claims they monitor, in disguise, high profile gatherings to keep order and protect free speech. *cough*bullshit*cough*


In Soviet US the Government spies on you

The big story of the week was the revelations in the New York Times over George Bush authorizing warrantless spying of US citizens. In true East German style, President Bush, tried to deflect blame by attacking the messenger and accussed the New York Times of endangering national security by revealing his illegal and unconstitutional acts.

In other, related, news a UMass Dartmouth student was writing a paper on communism for class and tried to borrow Mao Tse-Tung’s Little Red Book using the school’s interlibrary loan program. Much to his surprise the book was delivered to him in person by two friendly agents of the Department of Homeland Security. Sadly the agents did not leave the book with the student. The article doesn’t mention whether the agents returned the book to the library or burned it.