Tag Archive for 'Lou Dobbs'

Lou Dobbs delivers a sermon

Keep religion out of politics, Lou Dobbs writes. I couldn’t agree more.

Mr. Dobbs’ sermon on immigration (does he ever talk about anything else?) begins so well. How could he be so right and so wrong at the same time, though?

He’s talking about churches’ involvement in politics, and offers examples of various churches embracing illegal immigrants. He’s, on purpose, I think, politicizing an issue that has nothing to with politics. Churches have always throughout history taken care of immigrants, refugees and other humanitarian causes.

However much Lou Dobbs wishes he could just dump all these illegal aliens on the other side of the border (there’s only one border he’s talking about…), there are good reasons why churches across the US are using their powers to protect some of the illegal aliens from further harm. It’s got nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with humanitarian aid.

Keep the politics out of religion, I say.


Hell freezes over – I agree with Lou Dobbs on something

Lou Dobbs rips the (pseudo-)conservative Republicans a new one over the idiotic pandering constitutional amendment initiative to ban gay marriage. He says:

It’s an insult to the intelligence of every voter, Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative.

Couldn’t agree more.