Tag Archive for 'programming'

The Y2Gay Problem

The Y2Gay problem is similar to the Y2K problem; databases have been designed with certain assumptions that no longer hold true.

In this case the databases assume that marriage is between one man and one woman.

The author of the article discusses in a pretty entertaining way on how to design a database that supports other types of marriages (incl. polygamy).


Searchable javadoc archives

I hate making sure the javadocs for all the third party libraries I’m using are uptodate and trying to remember which directory did I install them into. This is why the emergence of searchable javadoc archives is really helpful.


Both of these have been around for quite some time, but I just finished playing around with them a little bit.

Both also have Eclipse plugins and JDocs also has a FireFox plugin. The docjar Eclipse plugin has a free for non-commercial use license, which pretty much excludes me from using it, especially since JDocs Eclipse plugin is free.

The Eclipse plugin for JDocs is extremely nice, and surprisingly fast. A great addition to any developer’s toolkit.