Monthly Archive for May, 2006

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PGR3 Tournament elimination races tonight

I’ll be racing at 12:20am tonight.

All the races are broadcast in PGR3’s Gotham TV Tournament Channel. If you own PGR3, tune in and watch me make a complete fool out of myself racing against all these pros.


The Mad Finn as a pro-gamer?

Bizarre Creations, Global Gaming League, Inc. and Microsoft are running a worldwide tournament in Project Gotham Racing 3 (PGR3), a racing game for the XBox 360.

Top 64 qualifiers in each of the three regions – North America, Europe and Asia – make it to the elimination rounds for their region. There’re four elimination rounds using a bracket of 64 competitors. Top 4 racers in each elimination race move onto the next round. The top 4 racers of each region are going to the Finals run at the Lamborghini factory in Sant’Agata Bolognese, Italy.

The qualifying was run using a Lamborghini Gallardo on Tokyo Nishigushi Short track. Unlimited amount of laps, best lap time counts.

The qualifying ended last night and I made it to the top 64 in North America!! My best lap time was 53.62 secs in 43rd position with the last qualifier having a time of 53.67 secs. Overall I came in at 149th position of 9,397 total competitors.

I’ve always been good at racing and sports games, but I never imagined I’d be able to compete as evenly as I did with the very best of PGR3. Some of the top qualifiers do this sort of thing professionally and they’re freakishly talented.

Before the tournament begun I thought I’d have a small chance in making the top 64, if some of the top racers wouldn’t participate. But everyone turned up, and the competition was simply fierce, especially in Europe. Not in my wildest dreams did I think I’d make it as high as top 50 among all these great racers.

The elimination rounds begin this Thursday evening and continue every evening until this Sunday. Let’s see what happens. I don’t think I’ll make it very far. I’ll be lucky, if I make it through the first round.

But it’s been an absolute blast so far. I can’t wait till the real competition starts.