Tag Archive for 'piracy'

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RIAA’s lies exposed by an internal study by one of the majors

RIAA has claimed, for years now, that p2p networks and other online “pirate” channels are killing the music industry and causing the majority of the decline of music sales for the past few years.

The Economist article linked references an internal study conducted by one of the major record labels. The article goes on to say:

According to an internal study done by one of the majors, between two-thirds and three-quarters of the drop in sales in America had nothing to do with internet piracy. No-one knows how much weight to assign to each of the other explanations: rising physical CD piracy, shrinking retail space, competition from other media, and the quality of the music itself.

The article also suggests most of the problem is due to the overall lack of quality and creativity in today’s music, and the major publishers’ focus on producing mega-hits instead of creating long-lasting careers for their artists. There appears to be some support to this theory from the major music publishers themsevels, as the article demonstrates.


Russia – RIAA’s worst enemy

This week I finally discovered two online music sites operating in Russia RIAA must be mad as hell about.

The sites in question are allofmp3.com and mp3search.ru. Downloads from either service have no DRM whatsoever.

allofmp3.com, operating since 2001, looks very impressive. They charge $.01 or $.02 / megabyte, depending on how you download the music. Their “killer app” is online encoding, which enables you to choose the encoding method (mp3, wma, ogg vorbis, musepack and aac), and the quality of the encoding. For some albums in their catalog they also offer lossless encoding enabling you to download exact copies of the audio CD, and burn the songs into an audio CD, instead of mp3 files.

Both appear to be operating entirely legally according to Russian copyright law, which dates back to the Soviet Union era. Since downloading copyrighted music for personal use is perfectly legal, it is legal to use these services even from within the United States. RIAA will, of course, tell you otherwise, but has so far been unsuccessful in shutting these services down. The law, for once, appears to be on the side of the consumer.

A great review of allofmp3.com is up on museekster.com. The review clarifies the legality of the service(s) quite well.

Up yours, RIAA scum.