Tag Archive for 'rap music'

My brush with celebrity

So we were having some great steaks for (pre-)Christmas dinner with my wife’s family, and towards the end of the dinner a young woman practically throws herself at the table behind us. I’m thinking she’s a little nuts, and take a glance on what the hell is going on. Then I take another glance.

Dude, that’s LL Cool J! Sitting. Right. Next. To. Us. Holy SHIT!

I’ve been listening to hip hop for almost 20 years, and I’ve got one of the pioneers of hip hop not farther than 4 feet from me. How cool is that!

He was having a good time with, I assume, some of his relatives. Apparently he lives not too far from the restaurant, and goes there all the time.

Next time I go there, I’ll be bringing my LL Cool J albums with me 🙂


The cause of the French riots? Rap music!

Apparently rap music is the root of all evil, at least in France.

200 French politicians have backed a petition from one of the country’s MPs calling for legal action against seven rappers and bands which he claims have fueled the recent riots that have taken place around the country.

Straight from the Deflect Blame 101 playbook.