Tag Archive for 'schauenfreude'

Eliot Spitzer – you slutty slut

I posted an article on this blog some time ago titled “Eliot Spitzer – you ignorant slut“. I didn’t know at the time how right I would be. Maybe I’m clairvoyant or something.

I’m bit of a video game enthusiast. I’ve been one for almost 30 years now and I don’t have any intentions on giving it up any time soon. I get a bit pissed off when ignorant sluts, like Eliot Spitzer, go and talk about my favorite hobby as if people who do that sort of thing are some sort of deviants and violent psychopaths, or just steps away of becoming such. I get even more pissed off when said ignorant sluts are doing so in such a hypocritical manner it’s obvious to anyone who knows anything about what’s being said.

With that, let’s examine some choice quotes from our fine Governor Eliot Spitzer when he was giving speeches about the “dangers” of video games, shall we?

I find it unacceptable that every day, children are buying “Grand Theft Auto,” which rewards a player for stealing cars and assaulting people. In that game, children can even simulate having sex with a prostitute…

That one is from an April 20th 2007 speech titled “Our Children’s Agenda“. Yes, there’s nothing quite like simulating having sex with a prostitute. Except maybe actually having sex with a prostitute, which in New York State is a felony. The Governor scores!

From the same speech:

Our Safe Games Act will create a mechanism to ensure that stores cannot sell video games that contain excessive sex and violence to children. In addition, we are directing our agencies to undertake public outreach efforts to teach parents and children about the harmful effects of these games.

Yes, there’s nothing like teaching our children harmful things through video games. Except maybe teaching them harmful things by example. Do as I say, not as I do, Governor?

“The Entertainment Software Rating Board does have a rating system that warns consumers of content unsuitable for children, but it’s often ignored,” claimed Spitzer. “Laws protecting underage kids from harmful products are nothing new – laws preventing kids from buying cigarettes serve as just one example. But currently, nothing under New York State law prohibits a fourteen-year old from walking into a video store and buying a game labeled “Adult Only”…

That one is from his introduction of the Safe Games Act, a piece of legislation designed to keep disgusting sexual and violent video games out of the hands of underage children. Yes, there are no laws preventing underage children from buying “adults only” video games (just like there are no laws to prevent underage children from seeing “adults only” movies, btw). But there are laws preventing horny married men from buying sex across state lines. A former Attorney General of New York State and current #1 Man of the State should be expected to know that, I think. Maybe he just forgot. I know blood flow in the brain is sometimes obstructed when the blood is more needed down you-know-where. It can sometimes affect memory functions, I believe.

Let’s see if the fine Governor still has the (blue) balls to pursue his anti-video game legislation, which not only is almost surely to be unconstitutional but now also quite hilarious.

Schauenfreude. Gotta love it!