Monthly Archive for March, 2007

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Take Two sues Jack Thompson

The delusional Miami attorney, Jack Thompson, infamous for his assault on the First Amendment finds himself on the other side of the table this time as Take Two Interactive, a video game publisher behind the controversial Grand Theft Auto series of video games, sues him in an attempt to pre-emptively block Jack Thompson from filing lawsuits against upcoming games by Take Two Interactive and their subsidiary Rockstar Games.

The suit claims Jack Thompson’s SLAPP suits are violating Rockstar Games’ First Amendment rights to publish the games.

This should be interesting. Jack Thompson has a habit of going completely batshit insane when attacked, criticized or when things don’t generally go his way.

Let’s hope Take Two bankrupts the “fine” attorney or that Jackie boy does something so stupendous the Florida Bar Association has no choice but to finally disbar him. Payback is a bitch, Thumper!

The full text of the lawsuit has been archived by


RIAA sues a disabled man in Florida claiming he illegally shared music in Michigan

RIAA is sueing a man in Florida despite full well knowing he lived in Florida at the time RIAA claims he engaged in illegal music sharing in Michigan.

Remind me again why RIAA is not considered an organized crime outfit?


Timbaland to produce video game music for Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games, a controversial video games developer behind the Grand Theft Auto series of games, has teamed up with Timbaland to produce music for their upcoming PlayStation Portable game, Beaterator.

How cool is that!?

I wonder if Timbaland is going to use music he stole from others in this game?


When bigotry hits home

The New York Times is writing about unintended consequences of a new federal rule that prohibits illegal immigrants from claiming medicaid.

It turns out the rule is keeping more American citizens from medicaid than illegal immigrants. The lawmakers didn’t anticipate the number of American citizens unable to provide the proper documentation to prove their citizenship. So now these American citizens are unable to receive medicaid at all.


Hate and Hypocrisy – The Right Way of doing politics

John Edwards is a “faggot” [1], Al Gore is “a total fag” [2], Barack Obama is hunted in Pakistan [3] and cheating is ok in the Speaker’s house, but not in the White House [4].

So those would be examples of compassionate conservatism and family values, eh?

Let’s just leave it at that, no other comment is really necessary.


1. Coulter on Edwards at
2. Coulter on Gore at
3. Fox News chief on Obama at Huffington Post
4. MSNBC on Newt Gingrich

Members of the European Parliament condemn attack on Mari-El activist

A group of Members of the European Parliament has tabled a motion for a resolution strongly condemning an attack against Ms Galina Kozlova, board member of the Mari national organisation, Mari Ushem.

Read the rest of the story on the original article.

I’ve written about the attack on Galina Kozlova before:
Russian oppression of Mari-El activists still going strong


Danny Wen featured on AsiaConnect

A friend and ex co-worker of mine founded a web consulting business a few years ago after the company we worked for went bust. The company, Iridesco, is in the middle of transitioning from a consulting business to a product development business. They already have a couple of really cool products out.

An online publication called AsiaConnect has a profile/interview of Danny on its latest issue.