Daily Archive for September 26th, 2008

Enough of the “debate”

I can’t listen to the schoolyard bickering and “he said, she said” type of nonsense any longer.

I’m sure plenty of commentators will spend the the night and morning “debating” about who won, but one thing is for sure…the American public lost. That’s not debating, it’s yacking about insubstantial crap.


Jack Thompson is so disbarred…

Jack Thompson is so disbarred even kids wont play with him during recess.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he’s not even allowed to approach the bench at a picnic table.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can’t even play basketball because it’s on a court!

Those and many, many more can be found on a Twitter search: “so disbarred”

As reported by the most excellent video game blog Kotaku.