Archive for the 'Personal' Category

This summer’s blackout count

This summer’s blackout count stands at 6 on 8/20/2010.

We’ve had two neighborhood wide blackouts in the past few days. They’re so awesome.

Let’s see how high can we get by the time the summer’s out.

Go Con Edison! You guys rock!

Update 8/17: We had another one! Yippee! Two days in a row! Let’s go for three!

Update 8/18: We had another one! AWESOME! Three days in a row! Let’s keep the streak going!

Update 8/20: Well, we didn’t manage to maintain the streak, but we’re up to six today. Well done Con Edison! Can we break 10 before next week??


Haiku by Ava Paananen

There’s poo in my butt
eeww, yuck

I think I’m going to hurl

This week’s stats:

1 sick child
4 incidents of projectile vomit per day
3 hours of mopping vomit off the floors per day
6 loads of laundry per day
2 completely exhausted and stressed out parents

Please, for the love of God, Ava, get well, soon.

If anyone’s asking, I had the best vacation ever.


Iron Chef Morimoto and I

A friend of mine is visiting the US and NYC for the holidays. I took him and his girlfriend over to Morimoto for dinner.

Iron Chef Morimoto was visiting the restaurant and was gracious enough to come and say hi and pose for photos. Awesome! My wife and I watch Iron Chef America all the time!

I took out my iPhone to take some photos, and Mr. Morimoto sees the wallpaper image on my iPhone and asks if that’s my daughter. I say yes, and he shows his iPhone and the wallpaper image of his “baby”. He’s got a picture of his little puppy on his iPhone. I ask him which one is cuter, and he says for him it’s the puppy. Cheeky fella 🙂

The food, btw, was ridiculously good.


Mia Angelina Mei-Lan Paananen

Born October 7th 2009 at 2:49pm EST.

She is gorgeous.


PBS Video Portal launches

PBS launched their brand spanking new video portal today (or rather last night).

I built it, btw.


Some billionaires apparently take Amtrak

I was on a business trip to DC today.

An older gentleman boarded the train in Philadelphia and sat across the aisle from me.

I immediately recognized the distinctive voice, and looked over, but while the face was also recognizable to me, I couldn’t put a name to either the voice or the face. I have a horrible name memory.

He was being interviewed by a writer of some sorts and the writer had a book on the table. The title was “John Bogle on Investing: The First 50 Years”. Aha!

I was sitting next to John Bogle, the founder of The Vanguard Group, the inventor of index mutual funds and a billionaire.

The man is a true legend. Sitting less than 5 feet from me.

Apparently he was on his way to deliver a speech in fiduciary duty.


Congratulations – AMD-3271

Congratulations, owner of blue Volvo with New York State license plate AMD-3271. You’re a brand new winner of a parking ticket for illegally parking your car on my driveway. Try your luck again, will ya.

Unfortunately I can’t claim the credit for getting your car ticketed as I was still at work when it happened. Maybe next time.


Eat out with infants at your infants’ peril

I have a 12-month-old baby. Now that she can sit and eat somewhat civilized on her own, we’ve been taking her out to lunch with the grownups more often. It’s great fun, she enjoys people watching tremendously and we enjoy feeding her different things and finding out what she likes and what she doesn’t like.

However, there’s one thing that really, really bugs me about taking her to restaurants.

It seems as though almost all restaurants completely avoid maintaining their high chairs. You know, it shouldn’t be that f***ing hard to replace broken safety straps, but apparently it is. I think we have about a 50/50 chance on getting a defective (and unsafe) high chair for her when we ask for one.

Earlier today we went for lunch to a bbq restaurant in Manhattan. Great place, good food, very nice service. But the high chairs were goddamn death traps. The first one had the usual safety strap problems…the plastic clips were completely shot, so we asked for another one. The replacement wasn’t any better, the safety strap was broken the same way as the first one. Whatever, I’ll just tie it in a tight knot and be done with I thought. And it worked, she was strapped on the seat safely. It would’ve been ok, too, if that was all that was wrong with the high chair.

Towards the end of our meal, she started getting a little restless, like she usually does when she’s had her food and she’s bored with playing with the napkins and utensils. So she started turning about in the high chair. What happened next caught us completely by surprise. The high chair’s left side railing broke under her weight, and she lurched forward about to fall down head first 3 feet onto the ground.

Thankfully the knotted strap held and she was held in her seat.

I took another look at the high chair, and the side railing was completely busted. There was a crack on both ends of it, and the railing itself had come completely off and fallen to the ground. There was no way in hell our baby broke it. It was already broken when the chair was given to us.

This is the last time I will be polite about broken high chairs. From now on, I’ll inspect every single one of them with a goddamn microscope to find out how badly the restaurant has been failing to maintain them. And I’ll be damned if I ever let my daughter sit in a broken one again.

I am getting increasingly pissed when writing this. These fuckers are putting my daughter and every other child sitting on their crappy chairs in danger. With the amount of broken chairs I see, it’s absolutely clear restaurants, by and large, don’t really give a fuck about their smallest and most vulnerable customers’ safety.