Tag Archive for 'Paananen'

Haiku by Ava Paananen

There’s poo in my butt
eeww, yuck

I think I’m going to hurl

This week’s stats:

1 sick child
4 incidents of projectile vomit per day
3 hours of mopping vomit off the floors per day
6 loads of laundry per day
2 completely exhausted and stressed out parents

Please, for the love of God, Ava, get well, soon.

If anyone’s asking, I had the best vacation ever.


Iron Chef Morimoto and I

A friend of mine is visiting the US and NYC for the holidays. I took him and his girlfriend over to Morimoto for dinner.

Iron Chef Morimoto was visiting the restaurant and was gracious enough to come and say hi and pose for photos. Awesome! My wife and I watch Iron Chef America all the time!

I took out my iPhone to take some photos, and Mr. Morimoto sees the wallpaper image on my iPhone and asks if that’s my daughter. I say yes, and he shows his iPhone and the wallpaper image of his “baby”. He’s got a picture of his little puppy on his iPhone. I ask him which one is cuter, and he says for him it’s the puppy. Cheeky fella 🙂

The food, btw, was ridiculously good.


Mia Angelina Mei-Lan Paananen

Born October 7th 2009 at 2:49pm EST.

She is gorgeous.


Power to the babies!

Power to the babies, no delay
To make everybody see
In order to fight the powers that be

Listen, Ava, when you grow up, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to embarrass your dad. But for now, it’s my turn.

The excellent t-shirt acquired from Revo Baby – Revolutionary Baby Attire.


Ava Karoliina Mei-Lin Paananen

Born November 9th 2007 at 9:53am EST.

She is beautiful.


Finnish-Russian Citizen’s Forum established

I’m proud to report news about the birth of the Finnish-Russian Citizen’s Forum by a group of human rights activists from Finland and Russia. Founding members include, among others, a Finnish Member of Parliament and my brother.

The press release about forming the organization follows.



A group of persons worried about the development of democracy and the state of human rights in Russia has established a non-governmental organisation, Finnish-Russian Citizens’ Forum.

The organisation’s aim is to “promote cooperation between citizens and different peoples in Finland and the Russian Federation by supporting non-governmental organisations in their effort to strengthen democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech in Russia”.

The murder of the Russian journalist and civil rights activist, Ms Anna Politkovskaya, acted as a catalyst for establishing the Citizens’ Forum. This sad event served to consolidate cooperation between people concerned about Russia’s current development, prompting several appeals, public discussions, and demonstrations in autumn 2006.

The Citizens’ Forum supports Russian non-governmental organisations, which are now facing difficulties in their work due to Russia’s new draconian law on NGOs. The Citizens’ Forum will invite representatives of Russian organisations to Finland, organise visits to Russia, and distribute information about the situation in Russia.

The Citizens’ Forum will soon open its web site at www.finrosforum.fi.

The Chairperson of the Finnish-Russian Citizens’ Forum is Ms Heidi Hautala, MP (The Greens). The organisation’s Deputy Chairman is Mr Jukka Mallinen, Chairman of the Finnish PEN Club. The Citizens’ Forum has a nine-member Board. Mr Mikael Storsjö, entrepreneur, serves as the board’s Secretary, and Ms Iida Simes, producer, as the Board’s spokesperson.

The name of the new organisation translates into Swedish as “Finsk-ryska medborgarforumet”, and its domicile is in Helsinki. The Citizens’ Forum carries an unofficial name in Russian: “Finsko-rossiyskiy grazhdanskiy forum”.

The founding members of the Finnish-Russian Citizens’ Forum are:

Rolf Büchi, Nils-Erik Friis, Anu Harju, Heidi Hautala, Frank Johansson, Pekka Koponen, Henrik Lax, Laura Lodenius, Anna-Stiina Lundqvist, Jukka Mallinen, Elisabeth Nordgren, Theresa Norrmén, Kerkko Paananen, Marja Pulkkinen, Elina Rahimova, Ville Ropponen, Iida Simes, Anni Sinnemäki, Mikael Storsjö.

More information:

Ms Heidi Hautala, Chairperson
+358 50 511 3129

Mr Jukka Mallinen, Deputy Chairman
+358 9 135 2791

Ms Iida Simes, spokesperson
+358 40 720 5985

Mr Mikael Storsjö, Secretary
+358 41 524 2373

madfinn.blogspot.com is dead, long live madfinn.paananen.fi

If you’re linking to my blog at Blogger (madfinn.blogspot.com), please update your link to madfinn.paananen.fi.

I’ve completed the migration of all content from Blogger to WordPress hosted on my family’s new domain. There will be no more content posted to Blogger from January 2007 onward.


paananen.fi is live!

Hosting has been arranged for the next 2 years.

Nerd power!

DNS settings are still propagating, but it looks like at least the US part of the Intertubes is already well aware of the awesomeness that is paananen.fi.

-TPP aka madfinn (at) paananen.fi

It’s finally ours!

Checking server [whois.ficora.fi]

domain: paananen.fi
descr: Kerkko Paananen
status: Granted
created: 28.12.2006
expires: 28.12.2009
nserver: ns1.dnsexit.com [OK]
nserver: ns2.dnsexit.com [OK]

More information is available at https://domain.ficora.fi/
Copyright (c) Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority

And there was much rejoicing among the nerds of the Paananen family.

The domain has been unavailable for the past three years and just came available again 25 minutes ago.