Tag Archive for 'cybercrime'

Scum finally gets his just deserts

Alan Ralsky, a career spammer and fraudster, is finally, after about a decade of spamming everyone with questionable and downright illegal schemes, going to prison.

He’s received a 51 month sentence for his part in a pump and dump stock scheme. Rot in jail scum.

Here’s hoping he’ll do something stupid in prison and gets his sentence doubled. He’s a sociopath and will never stop his criminal activities. When he gets out of prison he’ll be right back to his old ways. Guaranteed. Throw away the key instead.


Russia sponsoring cyber warfare

The Estonian Government has long held Russia responsible for the DDOS attacks against Estonian networks in May 2007. The evidence to back that up finally came when a member of a Russian sponsored youth organization Nashe told the press he and some associates were responsible for the attacks.


Cybercrime brings in more revenue than illegal drug trade

Speaking at the 2007 InformationWeek 500 conference McAfee CEO David DeWalt told the audience that revenue made by criminals in cybercrime now exceed the revenue of the worldwide illegal drug trade.

Pretty cool. I wonder when the authorities start taking these things seriously.

Meanwhile nerds in Romania were seen celebrating by drinking Cristal from bathtubs inside their MB limos.


Congressional aide to U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT) commits a felony crime

Todd Shriber, 28-year-old communications director for Representative Denny Rehberg (R-MT), has been exposed to have solicited two computer hackers to commit felony crimes.

It appears Mr. Shriber felt his college grades weren’t good enough and engaged two well known operators of the website attrition.org in an email conversation about hacking into the computer system of Mr. Shriber’s College to alter his grades. The school he went to: Texas Christian University. Thou shalt not steal, Mr. Shriber?

What Mr. Shriber didn’t know is that attrition.org operators are white-hat hackers and had no intention of going through with the plan. Instead they strung him along and finally posted the entire Email conversation on their website. A reporter investigating the story then found out Mr. Shriber’s true identity.

Mr. Shriber was fired from his congressional aide position.

There is no word, as of yet, on any possible arrest warrant issued for him. Soliciting someone to commit a felony crime is a crime in itself. Federal guidelines state soliciting felony crimes should be punishable by half the sentence of the crime being solicited.

The email conversation is posted on attrition.org website.

More links to the press coverage on the story:
Talking Points Memo


Jeanson James Ancheta goes to jail for 57 months

Jeanson James Ancheta has been sentenced to 57 month prison sentence for his botmaster activities. He ran a zombie network that was used to attack several DOD computers, which is probably why he’s in the slammer for such a long time.

He was basically selling timeshares on his zombie network to whoever had a need for a DDOS, hack-by-proxy or spam activities.


What goes on in the mind of a father of a botnet operator

“I told my dad I had made an Internet worm that infected people, and then I used their computers to make money, and he just shook his head and was, like, ‘I hope you don’t go to jail for that . . .’ and . . . ‘I hope it wasn’t underage porn you was doing.'”

That’s what goes on in the mind of a father of one of FBI’s most wanted cyber criminals. No wonder his son is a criminal. He just doesn’t give a fuck his son is breaking several laws in multiple countries.

Nuke the double-wide they live in and all their other offspring, too. That’d solve the disease.

Update: The story on 0x80 in Washington Post had a photo. Before publishing the photo on the washingtonpost.com, they forgot to clean out the metadata on it. Here’s the metadata:

SLUG: mag/hacker
DATE: 12/19/2005
id#: LOCATION: Roland, OK
PICTURED: Canon Canon EOS 20D
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Macintosh 2006:02:16 15:44:49 Sarah L. Voisin

Roland, OK has a population of less than 3000 people. This guy is going to get caught. Bragging always gets these assholes in trouble.

Links related to the metadata revelation:

The Inquirer
Slashdot discussion


More legislation to fight online fraud is good, right? Wrong.

The House of Representatives approved a bill that would jail felons even longer, if they used fraudulent information when registering a domainname used in committing the felony. Wow, that’s great.

When you register a domain name, there’s two pieces of information you give to the registrar. The billing information for payment, and the contact information displayed publicly in your domain’s whois records. The bill would make it a felony to falsify the publicly displayed whois records information.

There’s a whole bunch of things wrong with this.

If you falsify the payment information, that’s already a crime. The registration is usually paid with a credit card, and if you falsify that information you commit credit card fraud. If you use a stolen credit card, you get a few additional felonies tacked on top of credit card fraud charges. You could therefore charge the criminals on existing laws already making this new bill redundant.

The bill is worded in such a manner that falsifying the publicly displayed whois record information is not a crime, unless you use the domain as part of committing a felony. Considering that copyright violations these days appear to be felonies, under certain circumstances, by having an outdated address, your parents’ address or by some other means having your whois record information false, you’ve just tacked a few years on top of your copyright violation felony. The Church of Scientology, RIAA and MPAA have been very aggressive in pursuing copyright violators online. Heaven forbid any of them operate a website with fraudulent whois records.

The penalty for this horrible crime is up to 7 years in jail. Gee whiz, I’d be better off selling crack.