Tag Archive for 'war on terror'

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Foreigners in the US – guilty until departing the country

The Guardian is reporting on new plans by the US Government to extend the US-Visit program’s fingerprinting requirements for foreign visitors to the US.

The US is planning on taking 10-digit, instead of today’s two-digit, fingerprints from all foreign visitors, storing the fingerprints in the FBI fingerprint database, and allowing sharing the fingerprint information with foreign law enforcement agencies effectively bypassing any due process rights you might’ve otherwise had in case you do end up in legal trouble.

All this, of course, to catch the terrorists. Terrorists, who wouldn’t forge their identity, including fingerprints. Yes, that’s entirely possible, and according to studies, even easy.

Let’s see who is the first innocent bystander, who gets falsely identified as a terrorist.

Does anyone know if it’s possible to have plastic surgery to get 10 middle fingers? Anyone?


The US President violated the US Constitution

A Federal Judge has ruled the NSA warrantless wiretapping unconstitutional and snapped President Bush on the fingers by stating:

The president of the United States … has undisputedly violated the Fourth in failing to procure judicial orders.

Not even Emperor Bush is above the law.


What would the Republicans be without the terrorists

Ned Lamont, who is against the Iraq war, won the Democratic party primary for the Connecticut State Senator seat recently. His opponent was a fence sitter Joe Lieberman, who supports the war.

The Vice President felt compelled to comment on the primary results with the following:

The thing that’s partly disturbing about it is the fact that, the standpoint of our adversaries, if you will, in this conflict, and the al Qaeda types, they clearly are betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay in the fight and complete the task.

It must be very stressful to constantly lie to the American public. No wonder the lying sack of shit has had multiple heart attacks.

The Washington Post has an excellent discussion on Cheney’s orchestrated propaganda campaign.

William Greiger writes in his blog:

An evil symbiosis does exist between Muslim terrorists and American politicians, but it is not the one Republicans describe. The jihadists need George W. Bush to sustain their cause. His bloody crusade in the Middle East bolsters their accusation that America is out to destroy Islam. The president has unwittingly made himself the lead recruiter of willing young martyrs.

More to the point, it is equally true that Bush desperately needs the terrorists. They are his last frail hope for political survival. They divert public attention, at least momentarily, from his disastrous war in Iraq and his shameful abuses of the Constitution. The “news” of terror–whether real or fantasized–reduces American politics to its most primitive impulses, the realm of fear-and-smear where George Bush is at his best.

Paul Krugman writes in New York Times:

We now know that from the very beginning, the Bush administration and its allies in Congress saw the terrorist threat not as a problem to be solved, but as a political opportunity to be exploited.


Is there fire under the smoke? Usually there is.

The US Department of Justice has threatened to sue the State of Maine, if the Public Utilities Commission there proceeds with an investigation on whether Verizon broke the law and handed over customer records to the US Government.

Ask yourself why would the US DOJ bother doing that, if there wasn’t anything to the allegations that the phone companies have been feeding the US Government customer data for years?


In Soviet US the Government spies on journalists

Yay for liberty, freedom and illegal wiretaps.


In Soviet US the Government spies on you, pt II

USA Today has managed to find out more about NSA’s domestic spying program.

Turns out our fearless leader, Chairman George Bush, lied to us again. In his radio address last December he said he’d authorized the NSA to capture international communication between terrorist suspects. He specifically said only international communication, i.e. calls coming in from abroad or going abroad, are spied on, as if that makes spying on your own citizens any better. He also implied that the spying program was only listening in on terrorist suspects.

Either his definition of terrorist suspect is a little vague, and includes every US resident, NSA went outside of their mandate or Bush is lying through his teeth.

As the USA Today information reveals the NSA has been collecting information about EVERY phonecall made in the United States. All calls. Not just international calls or calls made or received by terrorist suspects. Every single call.

With the help of telecommunications companies the NSA has been collecting information about US residents’ phonecalls for years. Citing legal implications only QWest has refused to comply with NSA’s request to hand over call information. AT&T, Verizon and Bellsouth are happily letting the Government spy on you with no warrants in sight.

When will the Government stop lying to you? After the next election?


EFF sues AT&T for illegal wiretapping

EFF has filed a class action lawsuit against AT&T claiming AT&T has been secretly, and illegally, giving NSA access to all of AT&T’s cellphone calls data and all Internet traffic flowing through its networks.

Of note about this is that the Internet traffic flowing through AT&T’s networks is not necessarily sent from or to AT&T, as AT&T operates one of the backbone networks that route traffic from provider to provider. Essentially this means that the NSA has been illegally wiretapping, with AT&T’s active participation, a large percentage of all Internet traffic in the United States.

Update: Here’s some information about exactly what the NSA is listening. Great stuff.


Mario is a terrorist

Here a terrorist
There a terrorist
Everywhere a boom boom
Old McDonald had a scare
Ee i ee i o

High Scores:

Osama Bin Laden   12,000 pts
Ravenna, Ohio          0 pts


In Soviet US the Government spies on you

The big story of the week was the revelations in the New York Times over George Bush authorizing warrantless spying of US citizens. In true East German style, President Bush, tried to deflect blame by attacking the messenger and accussed the New York Times of endangering national security by revealing his illegal and unconstitutional acts.

In other, related, news a UMass Dartmouth student was writing a paper on communism for class and tried to borrow Mao Tse-Tung’s Little Red Book using the school’s interlibrary loan program. Much to his surprise the book was delivered to him in person by two friendly agents of the Department of Homeland Security. Sadly the agents did not leave the book with the student. The article doesn’t mention whether the agents returned the book to the library or burned it.


The CIA is using old Soviet prison camps to detain terrorist suspects

In Soviet USA terrorists are kept in secret prisons outside of US borders to mitigate legal liability.

Washington Post reports that the CIA has set up a covert prison network in 8 foreign countries, including several Eastern European countries, to house top Al Qaeda leaders captured around the world.

It is illegal to do this within the US, which is why the prisons are run abroad. Some of the prisoners have been illegally captured on foreign soil, then transferred into these secret prisons.

Sounds exactly like what communist regimes did back in the day.