Tag Archive for 'RIP'

Bizarre Creations 1994 – 2011

Thanks Bizarre for all the great games.



Arto “Java” Javanainen, 1959 – 2011.

My childhood hero, a Finnish ice hockey legend and the best hockey player my hometown hockey team has ever had passed away today at the age of 51.

He holds a number of records in the Finnish hockey league. Here’re a few of them:

Most goals: 462
Most hattricks: 39
Most play-off goals: 38
Most goals in a season: 47

He played 668 matches in 17 regular seasons and had 462 goals and 330 passes for a total of 792 points, which is the 2nd highest points of all time. He had 99 matches with 3 points or more. He scored 6 goals against Helsingin Jokerit October 17th 1985.

Thank you for the memories, Java!


Michael Jackson RIP

Arguably the greatest entertainer of all times passed away moments ago.

Michael Jackson dead at 50.

Here are collections of his music videos:
Michael Jackson’s Video Legacy at MTV Music.
Michael Jackson at myplay.


Formula One – RIP 2010

It’s over. The Formula One Teams’ Association has announced they’re planning on starting their own racing series and separating ties with FIA and Formula One.

Congratulations FIA, Bernie Ecclestone, Max Mosley and the rest of the clowns running Formula One. You’ve managed to destroy one of the most storied sports franchises in the world with your greed and uncompromising dicktatorshiplike manner in which you run Formula One. Fuck you.


Russian opposition figureheads continue their dying

Word comes in today that Magomed Yevloev, an owner of the Ingush opposition web site, Ingushetiya.ru has been killed.

Kasparov.ru is reporting that Yevloev was killed by a single gunshot in the head. The information is not clear on who exactly killed him, but the implication appears to be that he was killed while in custody of the local Kremlin backed gestapo. The killers dropped him at a hospital critically wounded and simply drove off. Doctors at the hospital could not save his life.

According to reports from the area, the police is claiming a police officer’s gun discharged accidentally and a bullet hit Yevloev in the head. That would most certainly be one convenient accident for the local administration. They have, after all, been trying to silence Yevloev for quite some time.

Ingushetiya.ru, and its operators, have been under constant harassment by the Russian Government in recent months. Earlier this month, the site was ordered shut down by the Russian Government. Roza Malsagova, an editor of the website, fleed Russia to France and is reported to be seeking political asylum there. She’s also facing multiple criminal charges in Russia just because she’s involved with running the website. It looks like she is the lucky one.


What a loss

Tim Russert passed away today.

He was about the only political journalist, who always remained focused on issues rather than personalities or partisan bickering.

It’s a sad day for his family and sad day for anyone interested in great political journalism.


RIP – Sir Arthur C. Clarke

It’s a sad day today as my childhood hero, a man of unlimited imagination, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, passed away.


The Godfather of Soul is dead

The sound of a funky drummer has been silenced.


The Today Show covers Steve Irwin’s death

The Crocodile Hunter Mr. Steve Irwin was killed earlier today while filming an underwater documentary. He’ll be missed.

There’s nobody who’s more enthuasiastic and passionate about wildlife and nature conservation than him. He was always great fun to watch even if you were terrified of the creatures he was wrestling with.

That’s what you would’ve expected to perhaps see in the news coverage of his death. How sadly mistaken I was. I briefly caught the morning news shows covering the news. I was disgusted by what I saw.

Pretty much all the major networks had decided to cover his death in the following manner:

20 second blurb stating he’d died and how. No elaboration, nothing, no word on how his family was doing or that he’d died doing what he loved.

The next few minutes were devoted not to telling about his lifework and his achievements. Naah, that would’ve apparently been much too boring. Instead all the major networks went onto showing people how Mr. Irwin in 2004 took his baby in an alligator pit while feeding the alligators. This was covered in length, as if it was the defining moment of his life. The Today Show went as far as to show almost the entire interview of Steve Irwin by Matt Lauer. In the interview Matt Lauer is practically ripping Mr. Irwin a new asshole. It was very confrontational.

Where is the respect, humility and decency in that?? Utterly despicable.

One wonders at what point did the NBC producers stop being human beings in favor of the neverending chase for ratings.


Stanislaw Lem is dead

I still remember laughing out loud reading his The Cyberiad some 20 years ago.

There’s an excellent website about him to learn more about his life and books.